Hoopa Shopping Center
The End of a Food Desert
PROJECT SIZE15,000 SQ. Feet |
It isn’t much of a stretch (we hope) to say that people need to eat. In many ways, easy access to healthy food is an essential element of a healthy community. When residents of the Hoopa Valley suddenly found themselves at least 10 miles away from the nearest grocery store, the Hoopa Tribal Council decided to rectify the situation. The solution was to re-open a 15,000 square foot grocery store in town, ensuring a permanent food source for the community. With that goal in mind, the Tribal Council turned to Greenway to bring its team with expertise in community engagement, planning, operations, business management, finance, architecture and engineering and construction into the leadership of the project.
More about construction…
As construction managers of the Hoopa Valley Tribe for the construction of the new Hoopa Shopping Center parking lot and Hoopa Grocery Store, Greenway acted as CM and owner’s representative for the store itself and associated site work. Our responsibilities included:
- Oversaw schedule and budget for the project, reporting weekly to the Chairman and Chairman’s executive assistant, as well as the tribal council as requested.
- Assisted with the creation and circulation of bid documents. Worked with the selection committee to review bids, awarded and managed work as outlined in the contract documents.
- Led weekly construction meetings with the general contractor (DT Builders), HVT contractors, tribal stakeholders, and tribal staff. These meetings fostered an atmosphere of collaboration and accountability as all entities worked together to solve complicated challenges and processes.
- Managed contracts with HVT direct-hired contractors and ensured integration of these contractors’ work with general contractor and construction schedule. These contractors included RSI refrigeration, Alves Roofing, Myers food service equipment, and Nylex networks.
- Worked closely with HVT property manager to coordinate generator and automatic transfer switch delivery and installation. Assisted with preparing electrical infrastructure for needed rental generator so store could open sooner.
- Led value-engineering efforts with DT Builders to achieve project budget goal before contract award.
- Implemented site civil design and construction with Hoopa Valley Tribal Roads to redo the entire 4+ acre parking lot, including storm water discharge mitigation with LIDs, bioswales, and retention areas.
- Oversaw the over-excavation, subgrade placement, and compaction, site grading, and ensured all AC and concrete assemblies were in conformance with the civil engineering.
- Other tasks involved coordinating with HVT cultural monitoring personnel and maintaining public access to the rest of the shopping center during construction.