Greenway’s Discovery Process:
How We Plan for Success
Too often, projects begin to take on a life of their own if enough people are interested in them; after all who doesn’t like new things? Generally, this leads to poorly scoped, poorly designed projects that are out of alignment with the budget, with the clients true needs and with what can be sustained operationally long term. Discovery is our opportunity to begin side by side work with our clients to ensure these calamities never come to pass.

We use our expertise in operations, planning, finance, design and construction to facilitate a client centered process where project needs are challenged, assumptions are questioned and project elements are ideated and stress tested. Through this effort we establish a feasible strategy for execution or kill bad projects before they can begin.
Discovery has been used with hundreds of stakeholders and is the critical tool that has created successful outcomes on dozens of community projects through Northern California. Here are a handful of our community projects that would not exist without it: